© 1978 GEAR

A Publication of the Gear Foundation

HIGH GEAR journal is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources (G.E.A.R.) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit, federally tax-exempt publication.

The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business or person (s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons.

We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorialization. We cannot guarantee the return of materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR or not, unless they are accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.

All HIGH GEAR staff are volunteers. Anyone interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR should inquire by calling (216) 621-3380 or by writing to HIGH GEAR. P.O. Box 6177. Cleveland, Ohio 44101.

Businesses or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR may obtain advertising rate sheets and other information by writing to the above address.

The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication is the 15th of the month -for advertising and written material. News items accepted until the date of public-


HIGH GEAR will not publish material in which graphic or verbal representations of an ideal or idealized human body appear except in the case of a performer or work of art which is the subject of the material. We also will not publish material of a racist, sexist, or pornographic nature. We reserve the right to alter and or edit material to conform to the above standards; in the case of display advertising, after notifying the advertiser.

HIGH GEAR is copyrighted under federal law. Reproduction is granted to all other gay publications so long as credit is given to HIGH GEAR. AII HIGH GEAR work is original unless otherwise noted.

Dan Miecznikowski, Editor

Terrence McCormick, Associate Editor

Steve Jobe. Akron Associate Editor

Rob Davis. Columbus Associate Editor

Feature Writers: George Brown, Dennis Highland, Brian McNaught, Mitchell Menegu. Leon Stevens. Tim Connelly

Distribution and Subscriptions: Mark Kinsley

Layout Staff: Michael Prunty, Carl Howard, Robbie Robinson, Tony Scalaro

Circulation: 11,000 throughout the United States

“Sisters and brothers, make two goals your number one priority for this time in your life and forever. The first one is love yourselves. You are beautiful and you need to love yourselves to counteract all the lies you have grown up with. The second is to unite and coalesce to counteract all the isolation, all the closet pains our society has inflicted on


“I applaud you for being here. You are beautiful, and you are brave. I love you.

---Wendy Winkler Gay Pride Day Address, Cincinnati

"Straight people flaunt their sexuality. They wear wedding rings that's flaunting their sexuality; they walk down the street holding hands --that's flaunting their sexuality. All I'm asking for is the same thing."

Leonard Matlovich


By Rob Davis

As reported in the October issue of High Gear, I was injured last month in a bicycle accident near Marion, Ohio. I greatly appreciate the support and concern of my many friends in the community. My convalescence makes newsgathering more difficult, so many details will be more available in my December column.

Being isolated last month has made me much more aware of

the problems Gay people can face growing up in a rural or smalltown area. I hope to deal with this issue in a future column, as well as work with increased communication be. tween these areas and available city-based resources.

One available resource is the Gay National Educational Switchboard, 1-800-227-0888. This toll-free service, located in California, is available to any person who has a telephone. They are in the process of updating their files and may be written c/o Human Rights Foundation, P.O. Box 3627, San Francisco, CA 94119. If an organization has not been contacted, they will send a questionnaire to those who request one. Their hope is to

a working file of all available organizations, including those in Ohio, as well as to do counseling to those who call.

Parents and Friends of Gays

Parents and Friends has no regular meetings at this time, being mostly a one-to-one volunteer effort. The group may be reached at (614) 294-0982. Parents and Friends hopes for greater involvement with the parents of Gay people. There has been much involvement with the Gay people themselves.


Gay Alliance has had an active Fall, with a Halloween Costume Skating Party planned for October 31, at the United Skates of America-North. Tickets are $2.00, $1.50 in costume. For more information, contact G.A. at (614) 262-0322. The Gay Alliance now plans program-meetings (speakers or films) on the second and fourth Tuesdays, with business meetings on the first and third Tuesdays. Meetings still being on a weekly basis at the Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. (The meeting location is posted on the first floor). The G.A. office (Room 323, 1739 N. High St.) will be open for additional hours this fall, with volunteer staff keeping the floors open and the phone answered. People are invited to drop by or telephone first at (614) 422-9212.

of being human beings first, men and women second, and sexual men and women third. "People should be comfor...le with ambiguity without feeling forced to fit a label regarding sexual orientation," she said. Her presentation was followed by a question and answer period. Other speakers are planned for the future, including meetings with legislators before the November elections, and a speaker from Dignity/Columbus in November. A dinner and dance are planned for December.


"Caravan of Love" was the theme and title of the MCC/Columbus variety show, held September 30 in Columbus. There was much co-operation from the several groups involved, one of the most important being the Womens' Music Union. Jude Heidl, previously from Cleveland and an opera performer, did a beautiful job performing a work written by a member of MCC/Columbus. A highlight of the show was a performance of "Dear Dora/Dangerous Diesel Dyke," a poem written by Rev. Smith, Freda of MCC/Sacramento. This poem was originally performed in the California State Legislature before a landmark decision supportive of Gay people. A tiebreaking vote by California's Lieutenant Governor came immediately after this performance by Rev. Smith.

A B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bible) group is now meeting at the MCC parsonage, 1468 Summit St. For more information, contact MCC/Columbus at (614) 294-3026.

Larry Uhrig, pastor of MCC/Washington, DC. will be speaking at MCC/Columbus on November 5. Regular Sunday meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. at the northeast corner of 12th and Indianola Avenue. The church office, located in the parsonage, is now open Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Volunteers are needed for various churchrelated tasks, especially for those evenings. Contact: (614) 294-3026.

Dignity/Columbus Dignity/Columbus is continuing meetings every first and third Saturdays, beginning with liturgy at 8:00 p.m. with discussion following, at the Newman Center, 64 W. Lane Ave. A 4:30 Sunday Mass, the weeks Dignity does not meet, is available to Dignity members who would like to attend church as a group. A social hour will follow. November 7. Dignity/Columbus will go as a group, to Changes Disco, Rt. No. 161 and Cleveland Avenue. Other "Bar Nights" are planned for the near future.

October 3 was the date of an Special entertainment will be Open House meeting with Meral, provided at the Dignity meeting Crance, therapist, Ohio State on November 18. Dawn Marie, University Mental Health Clinic. appearing at the Great Escape She spoke on recent research night club in Columbus will be finds on homosexuality and doing her performance at 9:00 shared her view, as a therapist,, on this day. November 18 is also on human sexual adjustment, the collection date of canned She mentioned the 'importance goods for the needy for Thanksgiving. Dignity/Columbus

can be reached at (614) 2241029.

Lesbian Peer Support

LPS and Gay Women's Support are now working as a single group with the "Coming Out" and other workshops continuing regularly. The disco dance workshop, held in September was most successful, averaging 16 women in attendance. The group is focusing more strongly as a political force, and also as a social group. Previous involvement was more in the counseling area. The combined group may be contacted by phoning LPS at (614) 291-7756, or GWS at (614) 422-0833.

Gay Bowling League

Gay Alliance/Columbus is sponsoring a team in a bowling league, meeting Monday nights at 8:30 at Olentangy Lanes, 2815 N. High St., Columbus. To be a substitute, call GA at (614) 2620322. No new members are needed, but substitutes are necessary.

Bar News

-The annual Miss Twylight and Mr. Twylight contest is November 13. Two songs are required and people will be judged on talent, stage appearance and wardrobe. Important judges from outside the Twilight Lounge, will be involved in the contest, which may be entered by contacting Shep or Pinkie at the Lounge. $50.00 prizes (two of them) are offered.

Twylight Lounge is now open Sundays from 2:00 p.m. until 2:30 a.m., with shows weekly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Monday nights are "open nights" for anyone who would wish to perform any kind of talent.

Changes, Rt. 161 and Gleveland Avenue, now features a Ladies' and Men's night, with Tuesdays rotating between Gay Alliance, Dignity, LPS as special nights for these groups.

Old English Tavern features a football special with reduced prices for drinks, Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Earlier hours for Old English Tavern are 2:00 p.m. openings until 2:30 a.m. Tuesday features euchre games at 8:00 p.m. with regular shows several times weekly. For more information, call (614) 263-3325.

Did you happen to catch PBS' broadcast of "Word Is Out" on Tuesday, October 10? Word is out, this gay-oriented, gaypositive film was "a smash" throughout the country. If you missed it or if you want to see it again -don't hesitate to contact your local PBS station and tell them just that. With enough positive public reaction, chances are strong that there will be a re-broadcast. In usually conservative Cleveland, reaction was 80% positive. Think of the effect that your opinion alone might have for gay rights